Current Students

Academic Department

8:00 am – 12:00 pm EST
1:00 pm – 5:00 pm EST




Helping you succeed at Elim

This page is designed to provide current students with quick links to supportive documents, forms and web pages to help them succeed while at Elim. For questions about student resources, contact Elim’s Campus Life Department.

REMINDER: Apply to EBC today for your chance to win a scholarship worth up to $16,380 USD for the 2023-2024 school year!

Delve into the learning side of your experience at Elim. Each program is described in detail as well as the specifics of classroom requirements, internships and finances.

In the Library, you will find a myriad of resources for academic success including online journal databases to expand research capabilities.

Learn more about our wonderful and stretching  ways to get involved in Ministry!